Hannah Beard Osteopath

Osteopathy is based on four principles that place the intrinsic healing capacity of your body at the centre of treatment.

My job starts with you: understanding you and your body so that I can form an accurate diagnosis and perform a person-centred treatment.

Osteopathic Treatment

Treatment should not be painful. Most patients find it relaxing although it can be normal to feel tired, stiff or tender in the 24-48 hours post-treatment.

A YouGov patient survey commissioned in 2014 found that patients have a high level of confidence in, and satisfaction with, osteopathic care (Neale and Piggot, 2015).

Osteopaths treat more than just back pain but we are highly trained in assessing spinal health. We can treat muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascia as well as joints all around your body.

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